Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Camden Lake complaint

 This complaint was filed with City Engineer, Joe Robinson on 09/17/09 the same day as the Covington Villas complaint

On 06/12.06, You wrote the following message concerning a complaint at Camden Lake where this photo was forwarded to your inspectors.

Photo Taken 05/17/09

"On Jun 12, 2009, at 11:39 AM, Joe Robinson wrote:

John, I got the picture and sent it on to Building Inspection for them to see. Thanks!

This is the same site today... 09/17/09

Can you explain to me and Susan Pope, included here from EPA Region 4, why the city has chosen to take no action here and at the other building sites located within Camden Lake?

Not one house under construction at Camden Lake meets BMP requirements, none ever have but all have passing city inspections. The city has never collected a single fine here. Can you explain why for us?

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